How to Invest in Stocks
Fundamental Analysis Works!
The techniques we are about to show you
achieved the following results:
Fundamentals | Rating | Recommendation | Return Since Inception 7/2/2021 | Annual Percentage Rate |
Exceptionally Good | A | Strong Buy | 43.3 | 10.3 |
Good | B | Buy | 41.4 | 9.9 |
Average | C | Hold | 20.1 | 5.2 |
Bad | D | Sell | -12.9 | -3.9 |
Exceptionally Bad | F | Strong Sell | -8.4 | -2.5 |
Why Invest in Stocks?
Before we answer how to invest in stocks,we have to answer an even more basic question, “Why should you even try to beat the market?”
You should try to beat the market because achieving even a slight amount of outperformance will morph into breathtaking amount of money.
Basic Principles
The principles to successful stock investing are simple and straightforward. Master these few basic principles and you will master the stock market.
Buy Quality Companies
In the preceding report, we give the three most basic principles to successful stock investing. But if we had to reduce stock investing down to one simple rule, it would be this: just buy good companies.
Some might say this approach is too simple. The market prices all this “good” information in already and it is not sufficient just to seek out and favor good companies. Investors have to be one step ahead of the market and factor in how the market perceives these good companies.
The people who believe this nonsense are wrong. They are making stock investing more complicated than it needs to be.
You will be amazed at how you can find outstanding stock investments by simply finding outstanding companies. We will
convince you of this by doing exactly what we claim is possible.
Use the Fundamentals

Below are three powerful reports that explain the three main types of fundamental analysis.
Fundamental Cheat Sheet

Use Vathan Research
This process works! Fundamental analysis is fun, simple and rewarding. We can prove it to you and give you a head start in the process.
We crunch all the most insightful fundamental statistics and combine these numbers into one powerful, unambiguous fundamental rating for each stock. And our ratings perform brilliantly.
Fundamentals | Rating | Recommendations | Performance Since Inception 7/2/2021 |
Exceptionally Good | A | Strong Buy | 43.3 |
Good | B | Buy | 41.4 |
Average | C | Hold | 20.1 |
Bad | D | Sell | -12.9 |
Exceptionally Bad | F | Strong Sell | -8.4 |
If you have a list of stock investments that you are thinking of buying, and would like some insight about their true strength that is based on nothing but the cold, hard numbers (i.e. not opinion, speculation, or hearsay), then our work is for you.
You will be amazed at how those cold, hard numbers usually govern where those stocks ultimately go. You will be dazzled at the power of straightforward fundamental analysis.

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